Frequent Questions
Utility Deposits and Bills
What is required to turn on services?
Utility Deposits are $150.00. If you own or are buying the property, the amount is $10.00.
We ask for two forms of identification, the names of three credit references, and the name and address of a close relative as an emergency contact. A signature is required to turn on services. Making a utility deposit also turns on electricity, water, garbage, and sewer service.
If you request services for a trailer, please be aware a City Ordinance states no trailer without skirting may be provided utilities until skirting is installed.
When are the utility bills due?
Bills are mailed at the end of the month. The billing covers usage between the 15th of each month. The bills are due by the 10th of the month. After the 10th, a late charge penalty of 10% will be assessed to the account. Please pay the full amount of the bill by 5:00 pm on the 22nd of the month.
Failure to pay the bill on that date will result in the termination of services.
How do I pay my bill?
We accept cash, money orders, cashier’s checks, and personal checks at City Hall. A drop box is available in front of the City Hall Lobby for utility payments. Be aware there is a second drop box used for payment of cable TV bills.
Mail payments should be by check or money order. Credit card payments are accepted online here.
What happens if I am cut off for non-payment?
If you are cut off after the 22nd, the total bill including late charge penalties will be due in cash or by money order. Additional fees will apply. This includes a reconnection fee of $50 that will increase with successive disconnects.
What happens when I cut off utilities or move out of town?
Due to our computer program, your meter deposit will be applied toward your final bill during the normal billing cycle.
If the amount of your refund is more than your bill, a check will be mailed to whatever address is on file or was given when you requested a turn off. If you have a balance due, you will be sent a final bill for what is owed, less the amount of the deposit.
Usually, checks are mailed at the end of month after bills are sent out.[/vc_wp_text][/vc_column]
Traffic Citations
How do I pay my ticket?
Mail payments to:
Vinton Municipal Court
1200 Horridge St
Vinton, LA 70668
Please send money orders or cashier’s checks.
Do not send cash or personal checks.
Make the checks payable to Vinton Municipal Court. Tickets can also be paid at City Hall. Please speak to our Clerk of Court.
Credit card payments are accepted only online at
When is City Court?
City Court is the first Thursday of each month.
Water, Garbage, and Sewer Service
What if I do not have a trash can?
Please contact Waste Management at 430-3040 if you do not have a trash can. Additional cans are available for a one-time purchase of $61.00 by calling 337-436-7229. Please notify City Hall of the extra can so it can be billed to your account.
When is trash pick-up?
Waste Management pick-up is on Wednesday. Cans should be out by 4:00 am. The trucks sometimes run earlier on holidays.
How much is charged for water, garbage and sewer service per month?
Residental customers pay a flat rate for each service.
Water $23.00
Garbage $16.33
Sewer $23.00
City Government & Council
Where can I find a copy of the Town of Vinton Municipal Code?
The Town of Vinton Municipal Codes are hosted separately on the server at Here is the direct link: